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Showing posts from September 9, 2012

Fake It So Good!!!

Let's face it ladies, we all have faked a couple of orgasms here and there. I know I have and it was because I didn't want to hurt the guy feelings or I wanted him to leave. I don't speak my mind during sex I just let him believe that it's great. The funny thing is that I would ask him what he wants. Weird right? Going thru the whole ordeal of faking requires some awesome acting skills as I would say so myself. The loud moan, the clutching of the sheets, and I even have the leg shake down path. LOL..  I was having a conversation with one of my guy friends one night and he was shocked when I told him that I had faked orgasms before. He asked me " Why didn't I just tell the guy he wasn't doing it right?" and I didn't have an answer. He made a very valid point! That's when I realized that by faking orgasm I make it worst for myself  the next time because he will continue to the same thing thinking that I liked it. I realized that faking orgasms