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Showing posts from October 28, 2012

Chief Keefin!!!

This is post is about things I don't like when it comes to relationships, sex, and/or general things I have come across. Since everyone on youtube are making videos about it and I don't have a youtube channel that's has videos. I thought I would express myself here!! First thing I don't like is when you first meet a guy and you give him your number. He calls and you have a wonderful conversation and then he tells you that he wants to spend sometime with you. So you are like ok cool what do you want to do? Then he suggest well we can CHILL AT YOUR HOUSE!!! That boils my blood to the 1000th degree. That's that shit I don't like!!! Second thing I don't like is when black guys talk about the reason why they prefer a white woman over a black woman! They say that a black woman has a attitude! That is the dumbest shit I ever heard..excuse the Dutch...They say we nag and we fuss to much! I have come across white women who do the exact same thing. NIGGA...if you ...