I had fixed myself a delicious snack of strawberries, sugar and a little coconut rum. It was so good Lawd!! I ate it kinda fast which is bad because it would sneak up on me. I'm having this conversation via text with this guy...now mind you this guy I have been knowing a little while and we would have funny conversations which was cool I like that because it was fun. This time we are chatting and I said say something I shouldn't have said...lol I mean I was joking but I meant it at the same time but I didn't want him to know that..lol
He had ask me if I had more strawberries and I said no but I have something else you can eat lmao....I was tipsy and I was joking (yeah right). That's what gets me in trouble being hot and saying what was on my mind. He was like I'm gonna come over there and I was like no you aint. lol I didn't think he would come and we talk on the phone and I can hear him in his car and I didn't believe that he was on his way lol..but when I got the call from my gate I knew he was at my place lmao..lol...There I was with hair rollers in my head not looking sexy at all in my head.. I let him in and I tried to play hard to get while he is kissing on my neck and shit. Grabbing me and pulling me close to him... I would move away and then he would tell me to come closer which was turning me on but I was still talking shit all that playing around didn't help me so I gave in....I couldn't resist... I wanted it and he knew it. It was the best session ever!! It was like he knew exactly what I liked and needed!! Lawd Haysus....I squeeze my thighs together and tap them everytime I think about!!
The moral of the story is that having liquid courage to say what's on your mind is fun and daring but at the same time if you say something that you can't back up it can get in you in trouble or if that's what you want!!! lmao
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