After having a facebook outburst about black men saying that they only date white women I decided to talk about this epidemic! This really had me on fire yesterday because of the reasons they don't want to date us black women. I feel like black men want to be treated like kings when in reality some of them are jesters. I am not saying that all black men are like this just the ones I have encountered are whom I'm talking about. I really don't care what your preference is or who you chose to date because you can't help what you are attracted to. What I am disagreeing with is your justification for not dating black women. This really makes me angry because they are so many beautiful and intelligent black women that are seeking a healthy relationship. So I am going to give you the top three things that black man say that causes them to put on there snow boots lol. 1. Black Women Are Angry and Bitter! I definitely disagree with this! Not all black women are an...